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Zechariah - Intro

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.

This prophet of God was raised up to the work of the Lord in the second year of king Darius of Babylon, (520 B.C.). The captivity of the chosen people was ending as Cyrus had restored the Jewish people back to their homeland in Palestine.

As they returned, the first priority was the rebuilding of the Temple which had been destroyed by the Babylonians when they defeated the Jews and took them captive exactly as the prophet Jeremiah had predicted and warned would happen if there was no repentance of the chosen people for their idol worship sinfulness. The work on the Temple had stopped due to the indifference of the people and their enthusiasm had diminished. The Lord was less than pleased and He raised up prophets to rekindle the spiritual fire to complete the Temple and restore the priestly order necessary for proper worship. Haggai had also been called by God and he and Zechariah were called to challenge the people to complete the necessary tasks. The writings of Zechariah and Haggai should be read in conjunction with the first six chapters of Ezra to gain understanding of these special days.

The Hebrew word Zechariah means “God remembered”. This prophet is introduced to us as the son of Berechiah, who himself was the son of Iddo. Ezra 5:1 informs us that Zechariah was the son of Iddo, which likely means that Berechiah had died at a relatively young age. With the possible exception of the book of Isaiah, no prophet's writing provides a better view of the mind of God toward what was happening in the promised land at the time of the prophet and what was to come later as revealed by prophecy to foretell the Messiah who would come.

Zechariah was of a priestly family, highly honored among the people. His grandfather, Iddo, was the head of the family group which was one of the twelve family groups who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel, and the high priest Joshua. In later years after Joshua had died and his son, Jehoiakim became high priest, Zechariah became head of his own family group succeeding Iddo. 

As those returning applied themselves to the Temple rebuilding the enthusiasm was strong. In seven months after the return they had finished rebuilding the altar for offerings, which had been stopped during the 70 years of exile. In the second year, zeal was lost among the people and Haggai was appointed by God to stir the people back toward the project. During this effort by Haggai, Zechariah was called by God with further messages for the chosen people. Haggai's main task was to encourage the reconstruction of the physical Temple while Zechariah was called to lead the people to a complete spiritual change, which would be helpful toward the physical work and in four years the work was completed with the renewal of spirit brought by Zechariah.

There are four divisions making up the book written by Zechariah:


An introductory address to the people which is a call to repentance.


A series of eight visions, all highly symbolic, and all shown to the prophet in one night. These are generally consoling to the chosen people leading up to the “last days” and to the final work of God toward His chosen people, and other nations as well.


An address to answer the questions concerning the observation of national fasts and celebration of a renewed relationship with Jehovah God.


Writings from the prophet in his later years starting from the immediate future time through the time of the climax of things to come when God Himself shall arrive among His people and as a result, “... Jehovah shall be king over all the earth, and there shall be but one Lord, and His name shall be One...”.

We are given information from the lips of Jesus Christ Himself concerning the death of this prophet in Matthew 23:35 when Jesus was confronting the Pharisees on their hypocrisy and spiritual blindness:

“That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zecharias, son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.”

The description of the death of the prophet is given to us in 2nd Chronicles 24.

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Zechariah - Chapter 1a

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.



In the eighth month, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the Lord unto Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo, the prophet, saying, The Lord hath been sore displeased with your fathers.

The first words of the prophet were harsh and startling enough to rivet the attention of the people. The Hebrew original language actually means the strongest displeasure, almost to the point of abhorrence.

This statement was a clear fact that could be denied by none. The evidence was strong with proof considering the desolation of their own land and the seventy years of captivity of the chosen people in Babylon.

While Jehovah was angry with them due to their long practiced falling away and provocations of idol worship, His anger was now turning away and He was ready to comfort them if they would but turn from the evils which had brought destruction on their fathers and return to God with all their hearts. The prophet now invites them to do exactly that.

Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the Lord of hosts.

The repetition of the name is given to assure the authority and importance of the call, and to emphasize the results that would occur as a blessing if obedience was the response of the people. 

The gracious invitation and assurance is to be followed by a warning should this newer generation choose to follow in the footsteps of their fathers and disobey which would incur the wrath of the Lord, just as has been seen by all.

Be not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Turn ye now from your evil ways, and from your evil doings: but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me, saith the Lord.

Here is a kind of resume of the former prophet workers and the results.

The mission of the prophets was to speak fully all that had been revealed to them by God who knows all things and controls not only the present but also the future. The constant call to the people had not changed. It was “repent”.

Isaiah said in his 55th chapter “... seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near...”.

Jeremiah had spoken similar thoughts as he said in his 3rd chapter “... Return thou backsliding Israel, saith the Lord, and I will not cause my face to fall upon you in anger...”.

Ezekiel made his touching appeal in his many times as is seen in his 18th chapter “... Repent and be turned from your transgressions … and iniquity shall not be your ruin...”.

Hosea had the same message in his 14th chapter “... O Israel, return unto the Lord thy God, for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity...”.

Zephaniah said in his 2nd chapter “... seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger...”.

To all these cries, Israel had turned a deaf ear.

After Malachi, there was a pause of 400 years of silence from the Lord in which no prophet was raised to speak for Him. When the long silence was broken by the appearance of John the Baptist, his first teachings started with the word “Repent: for the kingdom of God is at hand...”. The proud Pharisees and scribes, like their fathers before, did not think they themselves needed to repent. They showed themselves to be just like their fathers had been, stoning newer prophets who had been sent.

Christ Himself came and taught by word and deed and willingly took death to atone for the sins of all, just as had been prophesied. After He arose He provided a message to His disciples for the entire world which was repent and sins would be given remission. (Luke 24:46-49).

Should we clearly understand that the question of repentance touches the very heart of the commanded relationship between man and God?

Now the last two verses of the call of Zechariah are given as a warning against disobedience, enforced by the sad experience of their fathers.

Your fathers, where are they? And the prophets, do they live forever?

Probably we see here a small dialogue between the prophet and the people showing the fathers died under suffering and captivity and the prophets sent by the Lord shared in those sorrows and died under suffering as well. The prophets, while called by God, remained as mortal men living and dying as mortal men do.

But my words and my statutes, which I commanded my servants the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers? And they returned and said, like as the Lord of hosts thought to do unto us, according to our ways, and according to our doings, so hath he dealt with us.

The prophets sent are no more, but the words which those holy men of older days spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost are still with us. In spite of man's unbelief they still are accomplishing the purposes for which they were sent which were judgment on those who refuse to repent and believe, and mercy on those who repent and accept.

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Zechariah - Chapter 1b

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.




About three months after the introductory address which begins chapter one and is focused on the call to repentance a series of eight visions was given to the prophet. Five months before the spirit of Zerubbabel and the people was stirred by the preaching of Haggai and they began again to rebuild the Temple (Hag 1:14-15).

Divinely communicated visions were one of the ways in which the Lord had promised He would bring His wisdom to His prophets. He had made this promise in Numbers 12:6: “... If there be a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make myself known to him in a vision”. The NT confirms this promise as truth in Hebrews 1:1:

“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.”

In the darkness of night as Zechariah was attuned to God, he saw a “man” riding on a red horse, standing among myrtle trees. In the original Hebrew, in chapter 11, we are told this man was Malakh Yehovah which means the angel of Jehovah. In this vision this one described as a man was the second member of the Trinity, Jesus, whose early visits to Abraham and certain prophets were anticipation moments of His Incarnation centuries into the future.

It is generally agreed the myrtle trees were a symbol of Israel. We should note that the tree symbol was not of the proud cedar (which represented Lebanon) or the large oak (which represented great world powers) but was a symbol of a lowly and fragrant smaller tree which normally grew in shady and lower lands. So the symbol was given to be representing a lowly and humble spirit which was exactly how another prophet Isaiah saw Him (Is 57:15) as he promised to revive the spirits of those contrite. As ever before and since He remains the picture of our humble Redeemer.

The times of the Gentiles had begun 70 years before at the captivity of the chosen people but God had never forsaken His own and they had not been cast off. The prophet Jeremiah taught us in Jer 30:11 that when Israel was in the land of her enemies, He still would not cast them away. The horse the prophet saw was red in color, significant in that it represents judgment, blood, and vengeance. We see this symbol again in Rev 6:4.

We now meet another angel, described by Zechariah as one who talked with him.

This second angel, promises to show and explain the meaning of the vision. This angel is not the one first seen but is one of those who accompany the angel of the Lord.

The prophet had asked what are these? The answer is given that these are they who the Lord has sent to walk to and fro on the earth. These will review the other nations and report back to the Lord their findings.

In this vision these swift angel messengers were sent to discover the current status of the Gentile nations both on their own and in their relation to Israel. Their report is that

all other nations are at rest. This report was to contrast them with the mournful state of Israel as Judea was still in desolation, lying in waste, and Jerusalem was still without walls so God's chosen city was essentially without defense. The Gentiles who had moved in and around Israel during the captivity were now in undisturbed stillness and all seemed well with them.

The angel of the Lord now answered that there was a need for mercy toward Jerusalem after the 70 years had been finished. We know that after Jesus was incarnated and became an adult, He was moved to compassion concerning Jerusalem and Israel seeming to Him as sheep without a shepherd. So while the 70 year exile was over, the nation nor the city had been restored. So the angel of the Lord seems now willing to intercede on their behalf.

Others had added to the suffering of Israel using cruelty, injustice, and wickedness against their land as they picked over it when captivity came. God had promised Abraham that he would bless those nations who blessed Israel and would curse those who cursed her. So the Lord told Zechariah that He was returning to Jerusalem with mercies. As long as He had been with them before, no nation could overtake them. But due to their idolatry the Lord had removed His protection and had sent both Assyria and the Babylon to chasten the chosen people. That time was now over and the proof is that from this time onward until today, The Jewish people have never again indulged in the worship of idols. The physical symbol of the Lord's return would be the Temple rebuilt.

The Temple, God's house, was indeed finished in four years, and shortly after that time the Lord moved the heart of Nehemiah to come and manage the rebuilding of the Jerusalem walls.

Isaiah commented kindly on this matter when he wrote in 51:3:

“The Lord shall comfort Zion; He will comfort all her waste places, and He will  make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the Garden of God; joy and gladness shall be found therein...”

A look at His chosen nation today proves clearly he keeps His promises.   

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Zechariah - Chapter 1c

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.




As we saw in the first vision, the angel of the Lord (Jesus) arrived in the form of a man, leading others who were also on horses. Their mission was to review the current effort to rebuild Jerusalem as well as a much larger mission. They were to view and report back on the status of Gentile nations who had added to the suffering of Israel along the path of their captivity time. We learned in studying Jeremiah that God used Gentile nations to become His instrument of chastening toward Israel & Judea, and then after the mission was done, He judged these same nations themselves for their godless and pagan ways.

Just as Satan walks about the earth for evil (Job 1:7 & 2:2 & 1st Peter 5:8), so does the Lord Jehovah God have His own representatives moving up and down on the earth to examine the affairs of men.

The four horns now seen by Zechariah represent the nations that scattered God's people. The prophet saw the vision and then asked the attending angel who speaks to him “...what are these...”? The answer was given that these are the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. In Bible OT times, horns were symbols of strength and authority because the strength of a bull is found in its use of horns. Since there are seen four horns and since most of the scattering had not yet happened, it seems likely that the four horns are Babylon (already done), Medo-Persia (in process) Greece, and finally Rome.

Now in verses 20-21 God announces judgment against the nations that chose to be involved in the adding to the suffering of the chosen people. The Lord then showed the prophet four craftsmen and Zechariah asked what these were coming to do. The answer was given that they are arriving to terrify these nations that lifted up their horns to scatter God's people. God had made a promise long before to curse those who curse Israel (Gen 12:3) and now He is starting to keep the promise.

These were not four gentlemen or writers who work with pen and ink. These were not four architects or planners but are those who do the hard work (manual work) of implementing the will of God. There is no dainty work here but rather work of strength and force. When horns grow troublesome, carpenters are found by God to do what is needed. God promises to break the power of those who use that power against God's people. Reporting is now happening and judgment is coming.   

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Zechariah - Chapter 3

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.




This next vision is striking as it reveals the continual spiritual war between the will of God and the desire of the evil one to disrupt faith. Here the angel of the Lord stands against Satan on Joshua's behalf.

The high priest, Joshua, is shown to the prophet standing before the angel of the Lord with Satan standing beside the priest to accuse him. The Lord says to Satan, “... The Lord rebuke you Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you...”. The high priest stood by dressed in filthy garments. Haggai 1:1 teaches us that this man was now the high priest and the fact that he is standing means he is serving. The priest never sat, but served all day standing in the Temple. Here is the great contrast because we are taught that our better high priest, Jesus, finished His work and sat down on the right hand of God (Heb 10:11-12).

It is thought that these clothes said to be filthy were a symbol of Satan's accusation that Joshua was unfit to stand before God. Here again we are given the view that Satan is allowed by God to accuse us before God but his efforts are monitored and regulated always. The rebuke given to Satan is similar to the one given him in Jude 9 by the angel Michael, contending for the body of Moses. Satan apparently had a lot to accuse Joshua of, but the priest had an even greater advocate in the angel of the Lord. We are told that the priest is as a brand plucked from the fire. The fire was sin, and even though the priest may have been in it, he now has been plucked out and it is clear that our Lord is defiant against Satan while defending Joshua. We should note carefully that not a single word from Joshua himself was necessary.

His iniquity was removed by the symbol of the command from the angel of the Lord to replace his filthy clothing with new and rich robes, thereby cleansing Joshua.

Now there is instruction given to Joshua which is conditional, preceded by the word “IF”. If you walk in my ways & if you will keep my command then you shall also judge my house and have charge over my courts. Now in verses 8-10 is given a message of prophecy of a servant to come known as the BRANCH, a title used for the Messiah in 

Is 4:2 & 11:1 & Jer 23:5 & 33:15. A final word picture is given of a stone with seven eyes with these symbols given to encourage and strengthen Joshua by setting his focus upon the Messiah to come, Jesus.

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Zechariah - Chapter 4

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.




The angel who was designated to speak with the prophet came back to him and spoke to him as if he was waking him from sleep, asking the prophet, “What do you see”? Zechariah answers that he sees a lamp stand (candlestick) having a golden bowl on top and the stand has seven lamps with seven pipes to these lamps. Two olive trees are beside the stand. (We should note that seven is the Holy Number of God, considered perfect and complete.)

Such a stand giving light was the type normally standing in the Temple and since Zechariah and the others are busy rebuilding the Temple, it seems logical to view such a symbol at this point. One of the most tedious jobs within the Temple was always giving constant care to assure oil was filled within the lamp so that it consistently burned, lighting the inside of the holy place. The prophet now sees “self filling” lamps which receive their oil directly from the olive trees. The prophet asks what the vision is and the angel replies with his own question asking the prophet if he does not know, and Zechariah replies he does not.

Now the angel provides the meaning which is that the civic leader, Zerubbabel, is receiving spirit sustenance from the Lord (the oil) to continue in the rebuilding efforts of the Temple. The answer included an understanding that this resource given was not by might or power, but by the Holy Spirit. Might focuses on collective strength and power focuses on individual strength which are not to supply the need but rather the Temple will be rebuilt by the granting of the Spirit of God. 

Through scripture oil is used as a type of the Holy Spirit and it performs various functions:  lubricating, removing friction from between those who believe, healing as in Luke 10:34 restoring, lighting when burned as lamp fuel, warming in the same way, adorning when used as a fragrance, polishing metal objects, and signifying choosing by God when anointing the head of leaders by the priest. This work was large, like a great mountain ahead but would be overcome with the Spirit and the cap stone will be grace. God's chosen builder, Zerubbabel, was told that his work was a combination of small things, that taken together would be seen as a great thing. The two anointed ones, the builder and the priest are the two in symbol of the two trees. This symbol is clear in scripture: Moses + Aaron, Joshua + Caleb, Elijah + Elisha, Peter + John, two witnesses (yet to be named) at end times (Rev 11). The Lord is consistent.  

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Zechariah - Chapter 5

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.




The first five visions given to the prophet are focused upon hope and glory, as they are promises of restoration and renewal of the physical Temple and of the spiritual relationship between the Lord and His chosen people. The full completion of those visions are not yet all shown to be true, however, the last vision reinforced the hope of the light to come to Israel, as viewed by the eternally fed candlestick vision. As we consider the next two visions we must understand that before the millennial earth appears and earlier visions become fully true, the nation must be cleansed from all that could defile it.

In that regard, God's eternal plan is for grace to support those who will believe and judgment given to those who will not.

Now in verses 1-4 of chapter 5 we see the next vision of a scroll which flies and is of large size. We see what the prophet saw through his words that he saw the scroll flying and it was 15 feet X 30 feet, which also is the exact dimension of the sacred holy room of the temple itself and of the area outside the Temple known as Solomon's porch.

The angel tells Zechariah that this scroll goes out over the entire earth and takes a curse outward expelling those who are thieves or who misuse the name of the Lord. The two sins mentioned are from the original law of ten commands, and are indicative of the two major sins of Israel, stealing worship away from The Lord and giving it to idols and dishonoring God by refusing to repent.

The next vision appears to Zechariah and is shown in verses 5-11, a woman sitting in a basket. She represents wickedness and the angel places her down into the basket and covers the basket with a lead cover. The basket was known as an ephah. The wickedness seen is a feminine Hebrew word, so a woman is the focus of this vision. These things are symbols for greed, materialism, and dishonesty for profit. The woman symbol is covered by the lead cover and the prophet sees the vision returning to Babylon as two more women appear with wings like a stork to carry the basket away to the land of captivity which will soon judged and destroyed by the Lord.

In those days, storks were considered unclean animals but the vision shows clearly that the Lord commands things unclean to fulfill His will, even using agents of evil to do so to rid His chosen land of its iniquities.

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Zechariah - Chapter 6

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.




The final vision of the night of visions for the prophet was a followup vision of numbers 6 & 7 and was spoken to Zechariah to prepare him for understanding the judgment coming for those who are the enemies of God.

In verses 1-3 the prophet describes the scene he saw as four chariots that were coming down between two mountains (both mountains being bronze) with horses of different colors. The horses on the four were red, next black, next white, and finally dappled in color. Initially it seems the mountains noted are the Mount of Olives and Mount Zion, with bronze representing strength and judgment.

We recall the horsemen seen in a vision before were observers while these are hostile warriors who are the agents of God's war against the evil of mankind. The colors of these horses are very closely aligned with those horses seen in Rev 6 and may be also in connection to the angelic messengers of judgment in Rev 7. Normal Bible symbols used in colors are red being war, black of famine and death, white of victory, and mixed being pestilence.

Zechariah immediately asks for a meaning from the angel appointed to speak with him. The angel explains that four chariots of God are going in the four directions on earth, being angels of swift commands to bring the Lord's will of judgment in every direction. The angel says as the enemies are judged that the Lord commands that “My Spirit” is at rest.

Now the vision continues with the prophet seeing refugees coming home from Babylon bringing gifts of wealth with them. These gifts are to be received in the names of those whose names mean “robust or strong”, next “God's goodness”, and next “God knows”, with these gifts to be made into a crown for the high priest, Joshua. In this vision we see a strong departure as normally high priests were not made king, nor were kings to become high priests. Only Melchizedek in Genesis was so honored and now this vision indicates another one is to arrive to be so crowned, which will be Jesus. He is called “Branch” (already seen in Zec 3:8) which is a title for the Messiah, associated with the fullness of life. He will rule as both king and priest and we see this fact explained fully in Hebrews 7. He will create a final Temple (not the one of stone now under construction) but one to exist in His own body as described by Jesus Himself in John 2:19-21 describing His own body, foretold here centuries before.

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Zechariah - Chapter 7

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.



Now that all eight visions have been revealed, we come to several specific areas of question concerning which ceremonial functions should be required for obedience to the Lord.

These areas arose in the second year after the appearance of the visions to the prophet which was the fourth year of Darius' reign as king of Babylon. Darius had removed all obstacles to the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem and all seemed to be tranquil in the promised land. Even though all renewal was not finished in the city of God, (walls were not yet rebuilt), conditions were indeed beginning to show improvement overall. Because of this positive turn some questions were evident as to whether the certain feasts of sorrow and mourning were still needed to be observed. The question was basically that if times are better should I weep and fast over previous days of difficulty?

The Lord had commanded only one fast day, on the Day of Atonement in Leviticus 16:29-34. But the Jews had themselves added four more feast days to remember key dates of the defeat of their nation. These were:

  • Mourning of Capture of Jerusalem Jer 52:6-30

  • Temple Destruction 2nd Kings 25:2-10

  • Massacre in Jerusalem Jer 4:1-10

  • Siege of Jerusalem Beginning 2nd Kings 25:1

Psalm 137 describes for us the sadness of heart that brought these added days. But these days were not added by God, but were added by man during the 70 year exile.

Now in verses 4-7 God comes to Zechariah asking him to ask the people if the added times were truly for seeking God or were they actually a pity party for themselves. The Lord seemed to be saying that a few days of fasting did not make up for the awful way His people had lived for so long, which caused their captivity. Active obedience to God is clearly seen by the Lord as better than wallowing in past sin. After God's judgment has ended (70 years) it is best to understand restoration has come and there is no need to dwell on the past. 

Is this command from God exactly describing us today, even in our New Testament times when we have confessed and been forgiven we still seem to look backward to the past (thank you Satan) and not focus on already having been cleansed?

Now in verses 8-10 the Lord explains to Zechariah the conduct He requires:

  • Execute true justice

  • Show mercy and compassion

  • Do not oppress the widow of the fatherless, the alien, or the poor

  • Make no plan of evil in the heart

Some people had seemed to think it was easier to fast rather than to obey. This was contrary to the spirit of the Lord's desired relationship with His own.

In verses 11-12 we see the rebellious reaction to God's instruction that He had given His prophet to pass onward to His people.

They refused to heed, shrugged their shoulders, stopped their ears, made their hearts hardened, refusing to hear and accept the word of the Lord. Such rejection brought much displeasure and wrath from God. 

In verses 13-14 God answers this rejection, saying since the people refuse to hear Him, He now will refuse to hear their prayers. He rejects them just as they had first rejected Him.

Another prophet, Isaiah, wrote of this matter strongly in his writing, now found for us in what we call chapter 59:

“... your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear...”.

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Zechariah - Chapter 8

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.



After the clear warning of chapter 7 that obedience is far more important than attending to man made ceremony, chapter 8 contains a series of great promises from God. Here through His prophet we are given a strong view of His mind toward His chosen people. 

We see 11 times in the first 16 verses the repeated use of the phrase “Lord of hosts” which assures these promises will occur as they come from the Most High One, and He pledges His truth of the future such that His people will indeed know that truth. He informs that he will return to Zion and we now know the exact meaning of that one promise as His Messiah did arrive and dwelt among His people and when he made His gracious sacrifice for our sin, gifted His Holy Spirit such that the promised return of God seen in these verses shall never end.

We should also keep in mind that this promise was explained in greater depth by the Lord's last apostle, Paul, in his letter to the Romans. The time of the Gentiles (the 69th week in Daniel) arrived at the captivity of the Jewish people. Now as God promises restoration to Israel, we are included because as Paul taught in Romans 9:6 :

“.... For they are not all Israel which are of Israel...”

This teaching is confirmed in Ephesians 2:15 again when Paul writes:

“... for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.”

In verses 1-2 God proclaims that His passionate love for Israel has not diminished.

He proclaims His title using the word zeal as emphasis. In verse 3 He assures Israel will be restored with His return and dwelling there again. When that occurs Jerusalem shall be the city of truth and in verses 4-5 we see His plan that Jerusalem will be a thriving and safe place of joy. In verse 6 the promise of a transformed place seems marvelous because at this moment the city was only half rebuilt and the wall would not be rebuilt for another 60 years.

In verses 7-8 the promise is extended as a promise of far more people to arrive than the few who have returned there from the captivity. A gathering of far more people will be seen and the gathering will not be only physical but also spiritual. Not only will the address of many people change, but change will come also to their hearts. God exhorts His people to take courage, finish the work, and He will bless them (9-13). In verses 14-17 the Lord assures His determination to bring His promises to reality, just as He had when He kept His promise of captivity as promised by His prophet Jeremiah.

Now in verses 18-19 He also says feasting is more important than fasting. He wants no more mourning but wishes joy and gladness only in His holy city.

Verses 20-22 promises that nations will stream into Jerusalem to seek Him. The Revelation of John furthers this promise that in the 1,000 year reign those from all nations and tongues shall be included in His gift of New Jerusalem. Verse 23 shows that all will want to share in what the Jews already have.

This prophetic promise teaches that Israel will be the means of drawing the nations of the earth to the Lord in the time of the Messiah's reign. All will then be clinging to the robe of that One Jew who shall bless all who will come as those who hear and see what the Lord has done for His own and all will wish to be a part of this time when evil, deceit, and all impure things will be removed.  

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Zechariah - Chapter 9

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The first eight chapters of Zechariah are consumed with the display of his visions given by God to advise the prophet of the current and long term plans of God for His own people and also the world. These visions are filled with symbolism but even so, the plan of the Lord can be seen directly as God reveals the visions.

The remainder of the book is a description of direct prophecies of coming events within the plan and should be read with a view of the time they were given and judged as to accuracy by history since the prophecies were foretold.

During these years (332-331 B.C.) there arose a young Greek general named Alexander who perfected attack warfare that was quick and overwhelming and he began his journey to conquer the known world. While nations fell one by one in his path, in Israel the Lord was sending prophecies through Zechariah of His own judgment of surrounding nations who had harmed His people. The prophet was much older now and these last chapters reflect a different view as his information was not vision originated but spoken into him by the Spirit of God.

Now God reveals his coming destruction against the cities of Lebanon and it is thought that the march of Alexander was the tool God used for these prophecies. The Assyrians (conquerors of Israel) and Chaldea (conquerors of Judea) had both tried by siege to take the cities of Lebanon for many years and all their efforts failed. Alexander took the cities with military and engineering strategies to overcome city walls rather than siege.

Next came the war against Gaza to the west of Israel, which also fell to Alexander, as did Ashkelon and other cities nearer and nearer to Israel and Judea. God had promised to protect His holy city and he did so by a remarkable chain of events. Josephus the historian wrote of this amazing time in his book Antiquities of the Jews.

As Alexander and his army approached Jerusalem, the high priest made special offerings to God and sought His protection. God then gave the priest a dream and told him to take courage, adorn the city in welcome, and open the city gates. The priest was told to dress in purple and to dress all the Temple staff in white and all should go in peace out to meet Alexander as he approached. The priest was joyful and told all the Temple people of the message from God.

When they knew Alexander was near, all went outward and met him at a small town called Sapha, which in Greek means “a prospect”. A large procession was waiting on Alexander and saluted Alexander with one voice. Alexander's second in command asked the king why he did not overtake the city immediately and Alexander told him that he himself had been given a dream about this moment and then he extended his hand to the high priest, and in peace entered Jerusalem, made sacrifice to God in the Temple and was well treated there.

Then the priest showed Alexander the writings of God's prophet, Daniel, which said in prophecy that a Greek would war and conquer the powerful Persians. Alexander considered this prophecy to be about himself and immediately offered peace to Jerusalem and allowed as many men as wished to join his army to do God's will, and many joined him.

Now in verse 9 a newer and different prophecy was given of another coming king, who is not surrounded by an army of men, but is lowly and riding on a a colt, the foal of a donkey. A far contrast is given here to the Greek who came before. God had long ago commanded His kings not to multiply HORSES OR WIVES, and even in this small thing, Jesus fulfilled the law.

In verse 10 God said this new king would speak peace to the nations and His dominion shall be from sea to sea to the ends of the earth. Zechariah 9:9 speaks of the first coming of Jesus while 9:10 speaks of His second coming, which will be universal.

Now in verses 11-17 the prophet is given the plan for the liberation and blessing of His chosen people and His chosen land. God said His plan was to be done because of the blood of the covenant, meaning the covenant of Moses (Exodus 24:1-8). Prisoners will be freed and hope will arrive because their fortress will be the Lord Himself. He even mentions military action to come later against the successors to Alexander by warriors from Ephraim but ultimately the prophecy ends with the promise that God will war against the enemies of Israel and this prophecy ends with the promise of grain and new wine, images of prosperity and blessing in the last days just as seen in Joel 2:28 when God promises to pour out His spirit upon His own.

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Zechariah - Chapter 10

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The forecast of this chapter is the prophecy of the blessed and prosperous condition of Israel, now being restored by God, under the care and leadership of the true Shepherd King. We see a continuation of chapter 9 with a more expansive prophecy showing the abundance, both physically and spiritually, that the Lord plans for His own. The coming results will bear fruit for the chosen people and chosen land by their renewed faith. As we have seen before, the devotion of the believer is measured only by the depth of his surrender. The Lord expects no less as He gives this prophecy.

Verse 1 shows us the blessed nature of the coming Messiah's reign. Israel depended upon spring and autumn rains to provide irrigation for crops, having no permanent system themselves to store water. God tells the people to be bold enough to ask and He will answer as no other can do.

Verses 2-5 foretells that only the people of the true and living God will ultimately conquer. Idols are delusion and those who say they can divine truth speak lies and the people are subject to these falsehoods because there is no shepherd to give godly leadership. The prophecy is that the Lord of hosts will visit His flock, making them His royal battle horse, and from Him will come the cornerstone who will be the perfect shepherd for the chosen ones. Though God is displeased with the current leaders, He will raise up the perfect One from Judah and for Judah.

Jesus will be the cornerstone from where the new foundation will spring, and the tent peg to hold all things secure, and the battle bow to fight for good, and be the ruler over every ruler (as John teaches in Rev 19:16).

Verses 6-8 foretells the new strength of Israel that will arise from the mercy God gives to provide it. Paul said the same thing in the NT in Eph 6:10 “... be strong … in the power of his might”. Joy will return to the land as children see a renewed land with glad hearts.

Verses 9-12 is the prophecy we have seen fulfilled in our own time. God says Israel will be gathered into the land from all of the earth. God will call them with His whistle and when they make the journey he will strengthen them so that they will walk in His name. God gathers Israel and defeats her enemies such that they shall walk in freedom and liberty again, much like the original exodus from Egypt with even similar miracles (they pass through the sea of affliction and the depths of rivers shall dry up for them).  

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Zechariah - Chapter 11

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.



In the final reign of the Messiah (1,000 year reign) God's sovereignty will be fully seen and it is proper to note that when He rules He will do so as one who is glorious in holiness, infinite in wisdom, far more powerful than all others, but also one who is filled with compassion and whose very nature is love. Peace and joy will be His hallmark to the long sin filled earth. This great deliverance will be for a nation no longer split but a unified Israel. It is also worth mentioning that God long ago promised a land to them that will be far larger than the area they now control. Just as the prophecy for the chosen people to be scattered was a literal promise (fulfilled after 70 A.D. when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple) so will the regathering of His own be a literal happening. These matters are prophecies of the true and living God, revealed through His appointed prophet. These matters are not parables but are factual truths, just not yet seen.

In verses 1-3 we are given a view of the devastation that will occur because the chosen people will reject the true shepherd, Jesus, and the resulting consequences will be horrid. God's judgment, in the form of the Roman army, will come from the north, through Lebanon with a fire of destruction that is represented by the cedar trees (long the treasure of that nation) burning. Wailing shepherds and roaring lions will both see the destruction passing through toward Israel.

In verses 4-7 God tells Zechariah to actually feed a flock and warns the prophet He will not deliver Israel from the hand of the coming army. The prophet obeys, and feeds an actual flock for slaughter, representing the people of Israel. The prophet here represents the Lord allowing coming judgment. Zechariah uses two staffs, which are named “beauty” (meaning grace) and “bonds” (meaning unity). 

Now in verses 8-11 the covenant is symbolically broken. The prophet then states that he has (acting as the Lord) dismissed three shepherds. These were the teaching leaders (described here as prophets), priests (Jewish Temple masters) and kings. The offices of prophet, priest, and king were removed from Israel after the Roman conquest and have never been restored, because they have been filled by Jesus Christ since those days. God withdraws His hand of protection which in the previous covenant had prevented military conquest of His chosen land after the return from captivity. Now the people are open and undefended from attack. God says “I will not feed you”. He says “let those who are left eat each other's flesh” and that did actually happen literally during the Roman siege when hunger prevailed and the Jews ate their own children.

In verses 12-14 Zechariah, as an actual shepherd, asks his employer for his wages for his work. So his wages were weighed out and he was given 30 pieces of silver and the Lord told him to cast them away as this amount was the lowest price that could be paid for a slave (Exodus 21:32) which said to the prophet that he was considered as no more than a slave. This moment also speaks prophetically of Jesus, who was betrayed for the same amount, so Jesus also was considered as the lowest value possible under Jewish law. Here the Lord advises his prophet to thrown the 30 pieces at the potter, and we see in Matthew 27:7 that the 30 pieces Judas received for the betrayal was used to buy a potter's field.

In verses 15-16 we are given a prophecy of another shepherd to come, but this time a false one. So Zechariah acts out physically the position of a shepherd who does not care for his flock. The foolish shepherd:

  • Will not care for those cut off or lost as a good shepherd would do.

  • He would not seek the young who are surely in need of being found.

  • Will not heal the hearts of the broken  or mend those hearts in love.

  • Will not feed those who are left while a good shepherd would do so.

  • Would eat of the flesh itself (his sheep) but a good shepherd will die for the sheep.

The people had forsaken the good shepherd as John 10:1-18 teaches but they would receive another one who was not God sent as John 5:43 teaches. The forsaken action began when the people forsook Jesus and called for Barabbas to be freed instead (Matthew 27:20-22) and the forsaken action will end when they will finally accept the Antichrist as a Messiah in the first half of the tribulation period.

Verse 17 advises judgment on the foolish and worthless shepherd. He will feel the sword of God's judgment on his arm and his eye, harsh blows to dispose of him. Revelation 13:3 and 13:12-14 teach us that the Antichrist will suffer a severe wound yet survive, later to reside in the lake of fire, confirming this prophecy from long ago in Zechariah. 

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Zechariah - Chapter 12

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.



The last six chapters of Zechariah, known as the prophecy chapters summarize the overthrow of the world powers and the establishment of the Messiah's kingdom to come.

In chapters 9-11 we see the judgment of the world powers over Israel, and Israel being granted enough strength to stand against other worldly nations. In chapters 12-14 we see  Israel herself sifted and purged in the final conflict and then Israel transformed into the holy nation of the Lord. Also, the chapters 9-11 provide a view of the victories of Alexander the Great, who overthrew the powerful Persian empire, the coming of the Lord's Messiah, and His rejection by the chosen people.

None of these events qualified as the ultimate final coming of Jesus as He returns to establish His 1,000 year rule. Scripture is without shadow as to what will occur to announce that time. God in the person of the given Messiah will stand on the Mount of Olives with His angelic hosts as the deliverer of His people and the destroyer of many kingdoms who are coming against Israel. There also will be the final pouring out of the Spirit upon the Jewish nation such that they may look upon the One they have pierced and accept Him as their true Savior. At that time we are taught that He shall become king over the entire earth. While Israel has certainly endured centuries of sufferings and tribulations and displacements, and has, since the time of exile to Babylon, seen the start of the time of the Gentiles, she is clearly seen in the NT to experience full salvation to her remnant in the last days.

This current chapter of prophecy granted by the Lord through Zechariah and the words used are strongly fulfilled in recent history. God said he would make, through His creative power (stretching out the heavens), Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to the surrounding nations. How has this prophecy come to pass?

The surrounding nations mentioned are all Muslim. They all claim Jerusalem as their third holiest city, after Mecca and Medina. But Jerusalem is not even mentioned once in their Koran. They rest their claim to God's city on their claim that the Temple Mount was where Mohammed ascended to heaven from what is now the Dome of the Rock, where Abraham offered his son, Isaac, to the Lord. While this tradition is firm in current Muslim minds, it is only somewhat recent in claim. It was invented by the uncle of Yassir Arafat, Haj Husseini, in the 1920's to arouse Arab passion against the growing Jewish presence in Jerusalem. He used the verse 17:1 in the Koran to justify this myth. It says the servant of God was taken by night from the worship place, Mecca, to a far distant place of worship (said to be Jerusalem) but Jerusalem was never considered a place of worship for Muslims in all the centuries since they began.

While the inside of the Dome is filled with Koran scripture written on the walls, this verse is not there. This false claim was made to gain revenue for the mosque built there later and to keep the Jews from constructing a new Holy Temple on the spot where the Jewish temples have always stood. Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in the Christian Bible and it is the one city where God has bestowed His finest blessings and protection (PS 132:13-14) and is the only city for which believers are commanded to pray (PS 122:6). God put His holy name on this city (2nd Chron 6:6 & 33:7). He has provided the name of the final home of Himself and His own to be “New Jerusalem” (REV 3:12 & 21:2). 

In all of the negotiations between Israel and her Arab neighbors, Israel has been willing to concede almost anything for peace (including 95% of the land gained in the 1967 war) but NOT sovereignty over Jerusalem. On this point all negotiations ended and the contention still remains over that point. The false passion for Jerusalem is indeed like a drunkenness to the Arab peoples. 

In this current prophecy, God says he will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all peoples, and it remains so until today.

In verses 5-9 God empowers His people and says clearly He will defend the city, destroying all the nations who come against her. He further promises that even those feeble among her will be like David, a strong and courageous warrior for the Lord.

In verse 10 the house of David will look upon the One they pierced and will mourn, grieving for Him as for a firstborn. They will turn their focus upon the Good Shepherd and they will understand and accept why He took the cross and what he accomplished there. They will turn to Him in repentance as they finally accept Him as their beloved one. In that moment Romans 11:26 will be fulfilled as Israel shall be saved. The whole context of Zechariah 12 puts this radical conversion in the setting of the miraculous deliverance from the attacks by other nations. Here God says they will look upon ME, meaning they will look upon Yahweh who IS the pierced one.

Finally in verses 11-14 the great mourning is detailed to show it will occur in every family and person in Jerusalem. It will be even greater than the total mourning at Hadad Rimmon, where the entire nation mourned the death of King Josiah, a godly king, whose death caused the entire nation to weep. This time will be a total fulfillment of the original Day of Atonement, as it will be a national day of mourning over Israel's greatest sin, the rejection of Jesus, whom God sent to fully restore His choice of His people and His land to His heart. In that moment Jesus will have fully become what the Lord had promised, the Son of David, to rule from David's throne forever.

To finish this prophecy, the Lord speaks through Zechariah some words in verses 12-13 that are among the deepest reflection from God to His people in the entire work given to His prophet:

“... the family of the house of Nathan apart...”

“The family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart, the family of Shimei apart, and their wives apart.”

Here the Lord provides His perfect balance to this mourning time in a way that would make sense to Jews. The family of the house of Nathan does not refer to the prophet by that name who confronted King David about his great sin. It refers to the family of the son of David named Nathan, Solomon's brother, mentioned in the family history of the Messiah (Luke 3:31). Likewise, the family of Shimei does not refer to the tribe of Simeon, which had supplied the teachers to Israel. Rather it refers to Shimei, the son of Gershon, the grandson of Levi, (Numbers 3:18). So we have here in mourning two families of the royal line and two families of the priestly line and one stands for the royal line of King David and one for the high priest Levi, and in the other Nathan for the royal line and Shemei for the priestly line. Rulers AND priests are balanced in the great mourning to be evident and universal in that time.

The final notice of the importance of this moment both to the Lord and to all of His chosen ones is found for us in Revelation 1:7 :

“Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” 

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Zechariah - Chapter 13

God’s Word for God’s People. Free Bible study content to help you grow closer to God.



The first six verses of the 13th chapter stand in close connection with the 12th chapter prophecy. There the prophet shows in his last verses the great national repentance of Israel over Him “whom they have pierced”. Such understanding came to the chosen people as a result of the pouring out on them the spirit of grace and supplication. This is the blessed Holy Spirit bringing sorrow on account of their great national sin and after revealing it to Israel, the same Holy Spirit brings to them the experience of forgiveness and will open their eyes to the provision God has made for their justification and cleansing.

The prophecy begins with “... in that day...” teaching that the great national sin of the nation shall be removed in one day (as shown in Zechariah 3:9).  Isaiah also speaks of this moment in Is 66:8 when he reveals that “... the iniquity of the land shall be removed in one day...”. A fountain shall be opened and it is not a fountain designed for the granting of  life and refreshment but it is a fountain of purification from sin and moral uncleanness. Instead of water being sprinkled on the defiled ones, a fountain of water is opened where the guilty may wash and be clean. Israel in that day shall experience the wonderful and everlasting flowing of the blood of Jesus Christ, now understood as their Messiah, and this holy fountain will cleanse all from sin. The teaching says the fountain will be open to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem because “... the eyes of the blind shall be opened...”. The long spiritual blindness of the Jewish people will be ended. The actual Hebrew word is most powerful, meaning the fountain shall be opened and shall remain open forever. 

The two chief sources of moral pollution and the besetting sins of idol worship and false prophecy will be forever cleansed from the chosen land. The means of this cleansing will be available to all forever as the atonement is not a fountain hid and concealed, or closed and locked, but is a forever solution to all sin.

Verses 2-6 teach how strongly the Lord considers the sin of idolatry and false prophets. He says He will cut off the names of these and they will be remembered no more. Those who have engaged in those matters will admit it and public opinion in the chosen land will accept it no more. Notice here that we are given NO teaching that proper and true prophecy will end, just that false prophecy is ended. Those who have cut themselves or harmed their body to honor an idol will end their practice (as seen in 1st Kings 18:28 & Jer 48:37).

In verse 7 we see the prophecy that the Great Shepherd will be struck and the sheep will be scattered. It is vital that we understand this prophecy as meaning Jesus who will be struck to bring about His death and resurrection. Zechariah brings in the same thought seen in Isaiah 53:10 where we are taught that “... it pleased the Lord to bruise him...”. Here centuries before the cross, we are shown that the suffering of His servant was both intended and ordained by God.  We remember the Jesus Himself said that it was for this hour that He came. The description of the Messiah as “My companion” harkens back to Lev 6:2 & 18:20 meaning someone who is more than a friend. Jesus abode in heaven with the father and was an equal companion in the Trinity.

In verses 8-9 we are taught that Israel will be stricken (in the suffering of the Messiah), scattered after that fact, refined thereafter, and saved. But there is a bleak warning also given. Two thirds of the people will die and one third shall remain and those that remain will be refined as silver is refined and tested as gold is tested. In that time the people will call upon God and He will answer and proclaim again that these are His people.

The suggestion here seems strong that only one third of the chosen people will survive the Tribulation. It is no wonder that these days are called the time of Jacob's Troubles (Jer 30:7). Jesus Himself said that this time will be the most horrific time in human history (Matt 24:21).

These survivors will come to salvation and will welcome and call upon the name of Jesus and this group plus the 144,000 Jewish witnesses from Rev 7 & 14 will make up the core of the restored chosen people as Jesus establishes His millennial kingdom on the earth.

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Zechariah - Chapter 14

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In the last half of the book of Zechariah we are given the great privilege of a view into the mind of God as seen through what He reveals about His plan for the end of all things  within His creation. He shares these plans with us through His appointed prophet. We should remember that these writings were inspired and produced over 500 years before Jesus was born. How can we properly value these writings? We can do so by remembering that a number of them (all written before the fact) have already come true.

We have the great benefit of looking backward in time to several of these prophecies that have already been fulfilled. 

The piercing of the Messiah in 12:10 was fulfilled. The smiting of the shepherd and the scattering of the people in 13:7 was fulfilled. Now this last chapter gives prophecy of a yet future siege of Jerusalem after the return of the Jews who remain mostly in unbelief, and of their deliverance by the appearing of Christ once more, begun when He stands on the Mount of Olives. So certain prophecies are now history. To believe that Jews are scattered and that Jerusalem was destroyed and that the Temple was left not one stone upon another requires no faith. It all is fact. To believe that Israel will be restored, Jerusalem on Temple Mount will be rebuilt, nations will amass against the Holy City chosen by God, and that Jehovah God in the person of Jesus will appear and resolve all things in Himself does require faith.

The first verses of chapter 14 are an expansion of the last three verses of chapter 13 and lead us back toward the time opened by chapter 12, telling us of the great siege of Jerusalem by Gentile armies. After a time of prosperity in Israel comes the agony of darkness. Nations gather against her and scripture teaches us that a covenant will have been arranged with the false messiah which fulfills the sad warning of Jesus when he said, “... if another come in his own name, him ye shall receive” (John 5:43). As we begin to study this final chapter, we should remember that Jehovah has come Himself to fight for His own before. In Joshua 10:14 we are told that there was no day like that day either before or after for Jehovah fought for Israel. In this later time of greatest need, He will do so again.

In verses 1-2 Jerusalem is under siege from the nations of the world. This attack was said by the prophet to be the work of God who gathers all the nations in this way. There have been consistent critics who have said this time was the time of Roman warfare in 70 A.D. Such an opinion must be false, because if that time no Messiah appeared to deliver His people. Here also we are taught that a remnant shall not be cut off. In 70 A.D. no remnant remained. 

In verses 3-5 our Messiah intervenes on behalf of His people. He stands on the Mount of Olives, the mountain splits in two, creating a large valley where His people may flee. The Lord is said to come and to bring the saints with Him, which are the armies of heaven described in Rev 19:14. During the siege attack by the Romans many Jewish Temple leaders assured the people the Messiah would appear. He did not. This false teaching ignored the facts given by Zechariah that first must be a rejection and great repentance as given by Zechariah in 11:12-13 & 12:10. There was no repentance then and there is none yet now.

In verses 6-11 we see the time in which the Messiah's rule will change the earth after His complete defeat of all invaders.

  • Night itself shall not appear on that day.

  • Living waters shall flow from Jerusalem (½ to the east & ½ to the west).

  • The Lord shall be king over all the earth.

  • The land will change into a great plain.

  • Jerusalem will be raised upward.

  • Destruction will be no more.

  • Jerusalem will provide safety to all who inhabit her.

In verses 12-15 we see that her enemies are to be forever suffering in plague. Their flesh itself will dissolve  while they stand not seeing it happen because their eyes will have also dissolved. Once more the ancient promise of God will be kept as he assured His people that those who curse Israel shall themselves be cursed.

Verses 16-19 allows us the wonderful news that all nations will come to Jerusalem to worship the true God, keeping the ancient feast of Tabernacles and those who do not come will continue to be cursed as rain will not fall upon them. So the 1,000 year kingdom shall begin and in verses 20-21 we are taught that the common will be made holy. Every common pot in Jerusalem and Judea will be considered holy and the words “HOLINESS TO THE LORD” shall be engraved on the bells of horses, which was the inscription engraved on the head piece of God's high priests in ancient days (Ex 28:36).

All things will become holy as the Lord rules over all things. Zechariah ends his prophecy by teaching us that God's way is to make everything that was once common to become holy in His service. Such a change is exactly what he does through His Christ, our Lord, when He draws each of us who were dead in trespasses and sin to Himself and makes us each one holy by His Holy Spirit gifted to indwell.

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