Zechariah - Chapter 1c




As we saw in the first vision, the angel of the Lord (Jesus) arrived in the form of a man, leading others who were also on horses. Their mission was to review the current effort to rebuild Jerusalem as well as a much larger mission. They were to view and report back on the status of Gentile nations who had added to the suffering of Israel along the path of their captivity time. We learned in studying Jeremiah that God used Gentile nations to become His instrument of chastening toward Israel & Judea, and then after the mission was done, He judged these same nations themselves for their godless and pagan ways.

Just as Satan walks about the earth for evil (Job 1:7 & 2:2 & 1st Peter 5:8), so does the Lord Jehovah God have His own representatives moving up and down on the earth to examine the affairs of men.

The four horns now seen by Zechariah represent the nations that scattered God's people. The prophet saw the vision and then asked the attending angel who speaks to him “...what are these...”? The answer was given that these are the horns that have scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem. In Bible OT times, horns were symbols of strength and authority because the strength of a bull is found in its use of horns. Since there are seen four horns and since most of the scattering had not yet happened, it seems likely that the four horns are Babylon (already done), Medo-Persia (in process) Greece, and finally Rome.

Now in verses 20-21 God announces judgment against the nations that chose to be involved in the adding to the suffering of the chosen people. The Lord then showed the prophet four craftsmen and Zechariah asked what these were coming to do. The answer was given that they are arriving to terrify these nations that lifted up their horns to scatter God's people. God had made a promise long before to curse those who curse Israel (Gen 12:3) and now He is starting to keep the promise.

These were not four gentlemen or writers who work with pen and ink. These were not four architects or planners but are those who do the hard work (manual work) of implementing the will of God. There is no dainty work here but rather work of strength and force. When horns grow troublesome, carpenters are found by God to do what is needed. God promises to break the power of those who use that power against God's people. Reporting is now happening and judgment is coming.   


Zechariah - Chapter 1b


Zechariah - Chapter 2