A Message From Our Lord

He wants me to tell you this: By day and by night my gaze is fixed upon you, and I am with you always.

He wants you to know that He permits adversities to increase your merit for all merit lies in the will. No other sacrifice compares with the burning of the heart for Him. He rewards patience and hardship undergone for His sake. No success matters as much as perfect obedience, for that prepares the way for the action of divine grace in your soul.

It is through your weakness that He works most powerfully to deliver His perfect mercy. He knows your fear, and He wants you to come to Him and lay your head against His heart. He asks you to talk with Him as friend to friend. He knows the opposition and deception you face each day. You must expect this and not be dismayed by it.

He will console you at certain times, but the greater work is to do His will in the darkness of faith. It is this work that is judged your utmost for Him.

Know this, He says, I am always in your heart and my love is released in full when you trust in full. You are my son.

“Father Elijah” Michael O’Brien