Zechariah - Chapter 10



The forecast of this chapter is the prophecy of the blessed and prosperous condition of Israel, now being restored by God, under the care and leadership of the true Shepherd King. We see a continuation of chapter 9 with a more expansive prophecy showing the abundance, both physically and spiritually, that the Lord plans for His own. The coming results will bear fruit for the chosen people and chosen land by their renewed faith. As we have seen before, the devotion of the believer is measured only by the depth of his surrender. The Lord expects no less as He gives this prophecy.

Verse 1 shows us the blessed nature of the coming Messiah's reign. Israel depended upon spring and autumn rains to provide irrigation for crops, having no permanent system themselves to store water. God tells the people to be bold enough to ask and He will answer as no other can do.

Verses 2-5 foretells that only the people of the true and living God will ultimately conquer. Idols are delusion and those who say they can divine truth speak lies and the people are subject to these falsehoods because there is no shepherd to give godly leadership. The prophecy is that the Lord of hosts will visit His flock, making them His royal battle horse, and from Him will come the cornerstone who will be the perfect shepherd for the chosen ones. Though God is displeased with the current leaders, He will raise up the perfect One from Judah and for Judah.

Jesus will be the cornerstone from where the new foundation will spring, and the tent peg to hold all things secure, and the battle bow to fight for good, and be the ruler over every ruler (as John teaches in Rev 19:16).

Verses 6-8 foretells the new strength of Israel that will arise from the mercy God gives to provide it. Paul said the same thing in the NT in Eph 6:10 “... be strong … in the power of his might”. Joy will return to the land as children see a renewed land with glad hearts.

Verses 9-12 is the prophecy we have seen fulfilled in our own time. God says Israel will be gathered into the land from all of the earth. God will call them with His whistle and when they make the journey he will strengthen them so that they will walk in His name. God gathers Israel and defeats her enemies such that they shall walk in freedom and liberty again, much like the original exodus from Egypt with even similar miracles (they pass through the sea of affliction and the depths of rivers shall dry up for them).  


Zechariah - Chapter 9


Zechariah - Chapter 11