Zechariah - Chapter 13



The first six verses of the 13th chapter stand in close connection with the 12th chapter prophecy. There the prophet shows in his last verses the great national repentance of Israel over Him “whom they have pierced”. Such understanding came to the chosen people as a result of the pouring out on them the spirit of grace and supplication. This is the blessed Holy Spirit bringing sorrow on account of their great national sin and after revealing it to Israel, the same Holy Spirit brings to them the experience of forgiveness and will open their eyes to the provision God has made for their justification and cleansing.

The prophecy begins with “... in that day...” teaching that the great national sin of the nation shall be removed in one day (as shown in Zechariah 3:9).  Isaiah also speaks of this moment in Is 66:8 when he reveals that “... the iniquity of the land shall be removed in one day...”. A fountain shall be opened and it is not a fountain designed for the granting of  life and refreshment but it is a fountain of purification from sin and moral uncleanness. Instead of water being sprinkled on the defiled ones, a fountain of water is opened where the guilty may wash and be clean. Israel in that day shall experience the wonderful and everlasting flowing of the blood of Jesus Christ, now understood as their Messiah, and this holy fountain will cleanse all from sin. The teaching says the fountain will be open to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem because “... the eyes of the blind shall be opened...”. The long spiritual blindness of the Jewish people will be ended. The actual Hebrew word is most powerful, meaning the fountain shall be opened and shall remain open forever. 

The two chief sources of moral pollution and the besetting sins of idol worship and false prophecy will be forever cleansed from the chosen land. The means of this cleansing will be available to all forever as the atonement is not a fountain hid and concealed, or closed and locked, but is a forever solution to all sin.

Verses 2-6 teach how strongly the Lord considers the sin of idolatry and false prophets. He says He will cut off the names of these and they will be remembered no more. Those who have engaged in those matters will admit it and public opinion in the chosen land will accept it no more. Notice here that we are given NO teaching that proper and true prophecy will end, just that false prophecy is ended. Those who have cut themselves or harmed their body to honor an idol will end their practice (as seen in 1st Kings 18:28 & Jer 48:37).

In verse 7 we see the prophecy that the Great Shepherd will be struck and the sheep will be scattered. It is vital that we understand this prophecy as meaning Jesus who will be struck to bring about His death and resurrection. Zechariah brings in the same thought seen in Isaiah 53:10 where we are taught that “... it pleased the Lord to bruise him...”. Here centuries before the cross, we are shown that the suffering of His servant was both intended and ordained by God.  We remember the Jesus Himself said that it was for this hour that He came. The description of the Messiah as “My companion” harkens back to Lev 6:2 & 18:20 meaning someone who is more than a friend. Jesus abode in heaven with the father and was an equal companion in the Trinity.

In verses 8-9 we are taught that Israel will be stricken (in the suffering of the Messiah), scattered after that fact, refined thereafter, and saved. But there is a bleak warning also given. Two thirds of the people will die and one third shall remain and those that remain will be refined as silver is refined and tested as gold is tested. In that time the people will call upon God and He will answer and proclaim again that these are His people.

The suggestion here seems strong that only one third of the chosen people will survive the Tribulation. It is no wonder that these days are called the time of Jacob's Troubles (Jer 30:7). Jesus Himself said that this time will be the most horrific time in human history (Matt 24:21).

These survivors will come to salvation and will welcome and call upon the name of Jesus and this group plus the 144,000 Jewish witnesses from Rev 7 & 14 will make up the core of the restored chosen people as Jesus establishes His millennial kingdom on the earth.


Zechariah - Chapter 12


Zechariah - Chapter 14