Zechariah - Chapter 4




The angel who was designated to speak with the prophet came back to him and spoke to him as if he was waking him from sleep, asking the prophet, “What do you see”? Zechariah answers that he sees a lamp stand (candlestick) having a golden bowl on top and the stand has seven lamps with seven pipes to these lamps. Two olive trees are beside the stand. (We should note that seven is the Holy Number of God, considered perfect and complete.)

Such a stand giving light was the type normally standing in the Temple and since Zechariah and the others are busy rebuilding the Temple, it seems logical to view such a symbol at this point. One of the most tedious jobs within the Temple was always giving constant care to assure oil was filled within the lamp so that it consistently burned, lighting the inside of the holy place. The prophet now sees “self filling” lamps which receive their oil directly from the olive trees. The prophet asks what the vision is and the angel replies with his own question asking the prophet if he does not know, and Zechariah replies he does not.

Now the angel provides the meaning which is that the civic leader, Zerubbabel, is receiving spirit sustenance from the Lord (the oil) to continue in the rebuilding efforts of the Temple. The answer included an understanding that this resource given was not by might or power, but by the Holy Spirit. Might focuses on collective strength and power focuses on individual strength which are not to supply the need but rather the Temple will be rebuilt by the granting of the Spirit of God. 

Through scripture oil is used as a type of the Holy Spirit and it performs various functions:  lubricating, removing friction from between those who believe, healing as in Luke 10:34 restoring, lighting when burned as lamp fuel, warming in the same way, adorning when used as a fragrance, polishing metal objects, and signifying choosing by God when anointing the head of leaders by the priest. This work was large, like a great mountain ahead but would be overcome with the Spirit and the cap stone will be grace. God's chosen builder, Zerubbabel, was told that his work was a combination of small things, that taken together would be seen as a great thing. The two anointed ones, the builder and the priest are the two in symbol of the two trees. This symbol is clear in scripture: Moses + Aaron, Joshua + Caleb, Elijah + Elisha, Peter + John, two witnesses (yet to be named) at end times (Rev 11). The Lord is consistent.  


Zechariah - Chapter 3


Zechariah - Chapter 5