Zechariah - Chapter 3




This next vision is striking as it reveals the continual spiritual war between the will of God and the desire of the evil one to disrupt faith. Here the angel of the Lord stands against Satan on Joshua's behalf.

The high priest, Joshua, is shown to the prophet standing before the angel of the Lord with Satan standing beside the priest to accuse him. The Lord says to Satan, “... The Lord rebuke you Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you...”. The high priest stood by dressed in filthy garments. Haggai 1:1 teaches us that this man was now the high priest and the fact that he is standing means he is serving. The priest never sat, but served all day standing in the Temple. Here is the great contrast because we are taught that our better high priest, Jesus, finished His work and sat down on the right hand of God (Heb 10:11-12).

It is thought that these clothes said to be filthy were a symbol of Satan's accusation that Joshua was unfit to stand before God. Here again we are given the view that Satan is allowed by God to accuse us before God but his efforts are monitored and regulated always. The rebuke given to Satan is similar to the one given him in Jude 9 by the angel Michael, contending for the body of Moses. Satan apparently had a lot to accuse Joshua of, but the priest had an even greater advocate in the angel of the Lord. We are told that the priest is as a brand plucked from the fire. The fire was sin, and even though the priest may have been in it, he now has been plucked out and it is clear that our Lord is defiant against Satan while defending Joshua. We should note carefully that not a single word from Joshua himself was necessary.

His iniquity was removed by the symbol of the command from the angel of the Lord to replace his filthy clothing with new and rich robes, thereby cleansing Joshua.

Now there is instruction given to Joshua which is conditional, preceded by the word “IF”. If you walk in my ways & if you will keep my command then you shall also judge my house and have charge over my courts. Now in verses 8-10 is given a message of prophecy of a servant to come known as the BRANCH, a title used for the Messiah in 

Is 4:2 & 11:1 & Jer 23:5 & 33:15. A final word picture is given of a stone with seven eyes with these symbols given to encourage and strengthen Joshua by setting his focus upon the Messiah to come, Jesus.


Zechariah - Chapter 2


Zechariah - Chapter 4