Antichrist - Part 4

The Person of the Antichrist

In our last lesson, we covered the strong thought that when the true Antichrist arrives, he will be of the Jewish line. We also covered the message that scripture and logic that flows from scripture seems to confirm for us that he is one to come, having not yet been revealed. We marked the three specific factors given in Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians which extend perhaps our most forceful understanding of the conditions, which must be present to help us know he is among us:

  1. The must be a falling away (an apostasy).

  2. The son of perdition must be revealed.

  3. He must place himself in the holy temple as god.

We also discussed the strong message from the lips of Jesus himself in John 5:43 when he tells that Israel will not accept him who has come in the name of the Father, but Israel will later accept another who will come in his own name.

An interesting note is that in this message the word Jesus uses for another is the Greek word “allos” which is translated to mean by definition “another of the same kind” as opposed to the similar Greek word “heteros”, meaning a different kind of order. So we think it probable this son of the evil one will be sent to the Jews first, from the Jewish line.

Another interesting note on this issue is that for many centuries the strongest Christian teachers used Genesis 49:17 as scriptural proof of the Antichrist springing from Jewish blood, the tribe of Dan:

“Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward”.

We should not be surprised that Satan should send a son into the world as he has always been a great imitator and has great success in imitating the things of God to divert mankind. We recall he himself sometimes appears as an angel of light, and his demons appear as ministers of the Lord to deceive us.

We have a long list of his imitations which he put forth to fulfill his title of “Anti” meaning counterfeit opposition to the things of God:

Christ goes forth to sow the good seed (Matt 13:24)

The enemy goes to sow the tares (Matt 13:25)

God works in His children both to will and to do of His good pleasure. (Phil 2:13)

The enemy worketh in the children of disobedience. (Eph 2:2)

We know Christ has His Gospel.

Satan has another gospel. (Gal 1:6)

We know Christ appointed His apostles.

Satan appoints his apostles as well. (2 Cor 11:13)

God, by His angel, will seal His servants in their forehead. (Rev 7:3)

Satan will seal his own by a mark on the forehead or hand. (Rev 13:16)

The Father seeks worshippers. (John 4:23)

Satan seeks his own worshippers. (Rev 13:4)

Christ is called the lion in the tribe of Judah. (Rev 5:5)

Satan is known as a roaring lion. (1 Peter 5:6)

We read of Christ and His angels. (Matt 24:31)

Satan has his angels (Matt 25:41)

God has His new city, New Jerusalem. 

Satan has Babylon (Rev 17:5)

There is a mystery of godliness. (1 Tim 3:16)

There is a mystery of iniquity. (2 Thess 2:7)

Christ is the seed of the woman. 

Antichrist is the seed of the serpent. (Gen 3:15)

Christ is the Son of Man.

Antichrist will be the Man of Sin. (2 Thess 2:3)

We know of the Holy Trinity.

There will be an evil trinity. (Rev 20:10)

These are only a few of the imitations that scripture allows concerning this evil one to come who will seek at first to befriend the Jews and the world but who will later be seen as the liar and deceiver that he truly is.


Antichrist - Part 3


Antichrist - Part 5