Antichrist - Part 3


There are some interesting hints and direct allusions toward the evil one within the Psalms, which are viewed as the prayer book of the Church. The sacred poetry found within this book enlightens us as to the history of the chosen people as well as provides elements of the Messiah to come. While once the entire book was attributed to David, it seems accepted now that 73 of the Psalms were his. Some of the remaining were thought to be written by Asaph, David’s chief musician. Psalm 72 is thought to be from Solomon, with a few left to other writers.

The Hebrew theologians seem to divide the book into five sections, 

(1-41)(42-72)(73-89)(90-106)(107-150). In addition there seems to be agreement that they may be divided by historical periods:

  1. Mosaic-106 & 114

  2. Judges-106:34-46

  3. Davidic- Saul’s reign / 3,7,11,18,54 – David’s reign / 24,30,32,51,55,60.

  4. Solomon’s rule-72

  5. Exile & after the exile- 64,79,80,85,127,137

Within these beautiful writings, we see several references to the one of evil, both the reference to evil ones through history (antichrists) and the son of Satan to come (Antichrist). Here are a few of these references for study and discussion:

Chapter 5:

5-6: “The foolish (may also be translated as wicked) shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. 

… the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man.”

The bloody man refers to the military fierceness of the evil one mentioned and his deceit comes from his nature of lies. He will completely deceive the Jews, after first posing as their friend, then becoming their arch enemy.

Chapter 7:

14: “Behold, he travaileth with iniquity and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood.”

16: “His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down on his own pate”.

Chapter 9:

Here we see the anticipation of the millennial conditions and celebration of the overthrow of the man of sin.

5: “…thou hast destroyed the wicked, thou hast put out their name forever and ever”.

16: “… the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands”.

Chapter 10:

Here we see perhaps the best description of the evil one in all the Psalms. This chapter is divided into four sections:

  1. The cry of the remnant (1).

  2. The character of the Antichrist (2-11).

  3. Renewed cry (12-15).

  4. The confidence of the remnant (16-18).

Let’s read the verses 2-11, which teach us much on this matter!

Chapter 50:

16 & 19 are strong views of a wicked one and 19 teaches that “Thou givest thy mouth to evil, and thou tongue framest deceit.”

Here the Lord rebukes him as we see that he is a hypocrite who begins his career by speaking God’s covenant but soon casts God’s words aside and shows his treachery.

Chapter 74:

10: “O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? Shall the enemy blaspheme thy name forever?”

Chapter 83:

Takes the thought from 74 even further and reveals that God’s synagogues will be destroyed as will those who have now had to worship in secret, God’s hidden ones.

Here as well we see the specifics of the confederacy of the ten nations against Israel, and these nations are named. Assur is also named here and he acts as a type of the wicked one to come.

Chapter 140:

David prays for deliverance and we see the strong reference to another type of the wicked one. Notice the wording in verses 1 & 4 & 8:

“Deliver me O lord from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man; Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man;… Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked: further not his wicked device; lest they exalt themselves…”.

While there are other references within this important book to wicked ones and types of the evil ones who oppose the Lord and His people, these selected verses indicate that the Psalms reveal some of the character and dark ways of those who stand in place of he who will be shown later as Satan’s counterfeit to our Lord & Savior.


Antichrist - Part 2


Antichrist - Part 4