First Timothy - Chapter 5


Paul now shifts his instructions for Timothy from qualifications for officers of the church to the duties these officers should perform. His new instructions are detailed and can be viewed as basic to the positions held. 


The first relation Paul relates is to the male elders of the congregation. Timothy is instructed to treat older men as a father and younger men as brothers. Any need to engage an elder in a matter of the faith should be done in private. Timothy needed to be tactful in dealing with the older men and his discussions with them are to be encouraging. A sweet relation to the younger men is required to relate well to them and maintain open dialog on church matters and matters of faith.


The same thoughts that were given on men are now given on women church members. Older women are to be treated as mothers and younger women as sisters.


Women who are widows are to be shown honor. Care of widows was clearly mentioned for the faithful in Acts 6. Here widows “indeed” means those in true need and deacons were to investigate before church funds were bestowed. Such care is unfortunately somewhat neglected in the modern church.


Children of widows and nephews of widows are to practice piety at home and to help their widowed lady. Nephews here actually means grandchildren. If children or grandchildren are in the home, they should be looked at first to provide help to the widowed woman in question before church resources are used.

The widow should remain in prayer if she is desolate and earnestly seek the Lord to show a way for her to be sustained. She should be godly. If she happens to seek pleasure instead of help, meaning being more social than needy, the church should reconsider direct care for her. This factor must be very clear as church care is considered. 


If anyone does not provide for his own family, meaning the widow, and has denied the faith in the Lord, he or they are to be considered worse than infidels.


Widows under 60 are to be very carefully considered for church help as they may well be able to do some work to earn a living and thereby not be added to the church roll of receiving church funds.


Here is the opposite of the previous verse. If she is older and if she may be unable to take work and she is in the faith, then do indeed render her help.


Widows who are younger should not be automatically accepted for church help. If they have begun to no longer be strong in faith they will remarry. These young widows are not to be allowed to be idle or to be gossips speaking things best left unspoken. These younger women are preferred to seek new husbands and thereby give no one opportunity to speak ill of her. Some of those types have already turned toward Satan.


Families who have widows in their own family should care for them so that they not be considered under the obligation of the church. Elders in general, especially those who study and labor in the Word shall be honored. They are worth their reward as quoted in Deut 25:4 & Luke 10:7. 


No accusations against elders shall be heard unless two or three witnesses bring forth the matter.


Those that are found in sin are to be rebuked before the church after accusations are found to be true so that others who may be doing the same things are fearful that they may be rebuked as well


Timothy is charged by Paul to do these instructed things and to do them without partiality to anyone. This charge is given before God and His elect angels.

He is not to confront anyone physically and should remain pure himself so that he is an example to others.


If some sickness arrives in the body, such as stomach distress, Timothy is told to use a little wine to help treat the matter.


Some men will be judged by God and that judgment may not be immediate but be done in God’s timing and in His manner. Timothy is not to be dismayed but to have faith in the Lord to dispose of these things.


The same principle of verse 24 works in the opposite way. Some men’s good works are not always seen as rewarded immediately by the Lord. Blessings may come clearly and quickly if the Lord sees fit. Blessings may also be held until the Lord calls the man home to bestow his rewards. Timothy is to be aware of both of these matters and to trust completely in the Lord to work in both matters. 


First Timothy - Chapter 4


First Timothy - Chapter 6