Galatians 6: Points to Ponder

In verse 6:15 we see Paul’s conclusion to his many teachings in the letter to the Galatian churches. 

He says that neither circumcision nor uncircumcision hold much meaning, saying they avail nothing. What does mean something is that each believer has a new status after conversion as each takes on himself or herself the eternal role of a “new creature”. 

The world for the believer before conversion was one where sin roamed freely and the law was a custodian but now the world no longer is dominated by those things for the believer. This exact teaching is also found in Romans 6:14 (written a few years after Galatians):

“For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”

Now a dominion for the believer is one in which Christ rules as Lord, the Spirit functions to guide human life, and where freedom has replaced bondage. When conversion allows a believer to participate in the death and resurrection of Christ it also brings the believer into the status of the new creature.

Christian existence means living in the midst of the old world but as a member of the new world order as a child of God.                      


Galatians - Chapter 6