Galatians 2: Points to Ponder

Paul’s statements on justification (reconciliation to God) come from his reflection on and defense of the Gentile believers entering the church, not out of any reflection on the matter of how personal guilt is removed.

Paul teaches that God’s way is to unite the believer to Himself as He justifies the believer through grace as a gift as the believer is drawn and accepts Christ. This unity is seen in his striking conclusion in 3:28 that no matter who we were before, once we are justified (saved) we all are one in Christ Jesus.

Martin Luther described this process as divine words of pardon and says it is “the inward way” of justification. It occurs when a person despairs of his own unrighteousness and then humbly confesses that he is a sinner in need and then his heart is ready to accept the gospel and the Savior who brought it. There is no hint in Luther’s teaching that one’s fellow human beings have any part in the event of justification.


Galatians - Chapter 2


Galatians - Chapter 3