Galatians 1: Points to Ponder

Paul’s own life clearly demonstrates the power of the gospel. At the heart of his apostleship lies the action of the message which transforms him from the Pharisee filled with zeal to persecute Christians into a preacher to the Gentiles. Paul takes no credit for the change. It is the work of God’s grace and is a fact which neither he nor the members of the Galatian churches can deny. Even the churches of Judea, who would likely not recognize Paul if they saw him, hear of the radical reversal and glorify God because of it. (1:22-24)

What distinguishes the gospel is that it comes “… not in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance…”. (1st Thess 1:5).

Paul’s conversion and his commission to preach the gospel are not two separate events; they are one. In only a few words Paul can include God’s electing him, calling him, revealing His Son to him, and sending him to the Gentiles. It is not a two step process and it was not Paul’s decision to become an apostle. It was God’s decision alone. It was God’s voice which called him, God’s hand which grasped him and stopped him along the road, and God’s grace which opened his eyes to see His Son, which was seen only by Paul even though others were present.


Galatians - Chapter 1


Galatians 1, Part 1: The Work of Christ