David: The Lord’s Covenant with David

2nd Samuel 7

David had an idea that he should arrange to build a house for the Lord. He thought that he had himself a fine house in which to live and the Lord's house was still evident only in tent form. It seemed a fine idea to David to construct a temple for the Lord. As in other matters, David consulted with the prophet Nathan to get guidance as to the merit of the idea. Nathan quickly gives his endorsement for the temple saying, "Go, do all that is in your heart, for the Lord is with you".

While David's heart was properly guided to further serve the Lord, he shows here his gratitude and concern for God's glory. However, Nathan had spoken too quickly and did not consult the LoFd directly before approving the idea.

That night the Lord revealed H.is opinion of the plan to Nathan saying that He had always dwelt in the tent tabernacle and had never commanded any different dwelling. Now the Lord grants a further and far more extensive answer to His prophet by reversing the question by informing that He will build a "house" for David, instead of David building a house for the Lord.

This "house" for king David will be known as the "DAVIDIC COVENANT" and would stand forever between the Lord and David, and more importantly, the descendants of David. This is a binding contract from God, described in 2nd Samuel 7 & also in Psalm 89. God promises that an heir of David will sit upon David's throne forever, ruling over the kingdom defined by the land grant of the covenant given earlier to Abraham.

This new covenant had promises to be fulfilled within the lifetime of David, and far more importantly promises to be fulfilled far beyond the mortal life of David.

Promises made true in David's lifetime:

An heir would succeed him and would build the Lord's temple. (7: 12-13)

Continued success over his enemies. (Ps 89:21-23)

A great name among the people of the earth. (7:9)

An expanded kingdom. (Ps 89:25)

David to be elevated to the highest rank of all kings. (Ps 89:27)

Eternal promises to be fulfilled after David's lifetime:

There will always be a descendant of David. (7: 16)

The throne of David to last forever. (7: 13)

NOTE: The covenant WILL last forever but it was not promised to be among a line of heirs not to be interrupted.

There was no interruption of heirs that ruled from David in 101 0BC until the captivity came in 586BC. With that fall of the southern kingdom, the throne of David has stood unoccupied until today.

Further, God placed a curse on the line of David in Jeremiah 22:30. Because of the sinfulness of the kings that l.ed to the captivity the Lord pronounced the curse on Coniah (Jeconiah/Jehoachin) :

"Write ye this man childless, a man that shall not prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling anymore in Judah."

This man is listed in the family line of Matthew's 42 generations (Matt 1: 12).

Because of this curse, we have a second and revised line of the family from David to Jesus given in Luke 3, showing the line that was to hold the covenant was now considered to fall from David's son, Nathan, rather than from Solomon, as shown in Matthew. This event is known as the Curse of Jeconiah.

While Joseph was the legal father of Jesus, His true father was the Holy Spirit and therefore Jesus, while being the last & forever heir, escaped the curse by being virgin born.

The portion of the covenant that was not fulfilled in David's lifetime was the "throne" portion. Here becomes the majesty and power of the sovereignty of God.

While Jesus shares the throne of the Father above, that throne is NOT David's throne.

God has promised that David's throne will be restored after long centuries at the second coming. (Luke 1:31-33 &Acts 15:14-17 &Amos 9:11-12).

While the Jews have been scattered over the centuries, the line of David will indeed rule from his throne.

The covenant blessing is for eternity. (Ps 89:34-36)

This is overwhelmingly confirmed in scripture:

Isa 9:6-7 / Jer 23:5-6 / Ezek 37:24-25 / Daniel 7:13 / Hos 3:4-5 / Zech 14:4-9

The line of David, seen in the family after the curse was avoided, has not ended.

Jesus came, as an heir of David, and after Him, there was to be no more. The line, after His resurrection, ascension, and next coming to earth, will be shown to have fulfilled the covenant AND will be so shown by Jesus ruling forever from the throne of David. His kingdom will be eternal, and will prove the secure promise made by the Lord in 2nd Samuel 7:13: " ... I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever ... "


Isaiah 55:3 "Incline your ear,, and come unto me: hear and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David".

Rev 3 :7 "And to the angel of the church of Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth,; and shutteth, and no man openeth."

Rev 22: 16 "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star".


David: David’s Second Giant


David: Grace in the Old Testament